List of Illustrations 000
Foreword 000
Introduction 000
Myth 1. Caribbean History Started with the Arrival of Christopher Columbus in
1492 000
Myth 2. The Arawaks and Caribs Were the Two Major Groups in the Precolonial
Caribbean 000
Myth 3. Columbus Met Arawaks in the Northern Caribbean 000
Myth 4. The Natives Encountered by Christopher Columbus in the Northern
Caribbean Migrated from South America 000
Myth 5. The Arawaks Were the First Potters and Farmers to Have Settled in the
Caribbean 000
Myth 6. The Ciboneys Lived in Western Cuba at the Time of Spanish Contact
Myth 7. The Island-Caribs Were Cannibals 000
Myth 8. All the Amerindians Migrating from South America to the Caribbean
Island-Hopped from the Continent to the Lesser and Greater Antilles 000
Myth 9. The Spanish Introduced Syphilis into the Caribbean and the New World
Myth 10. Christopher Columbus Wrote the Version of His Diario (Diary) That We
Use Today 000
Myth 11. The Spanish Colonists Brought "Civilization" to Native Societies in
the Caribbean 000
Conclusion 000
Glossary 000
References Cited 000
Index 000