List of Figures
Foreword: About This Volume by Robert DeMott
Part I. A Question of Genre
Chapter 1. Travels with Charley as Autofiction by Jay Parini
Chapter 2. Histories of the Future: Travels with Charley and the Culture of the Cold War by Gavin Jones
Chapter 3. "Travels with Charley": A Mongrel Manuscript by Susan Shillinglaw
Chapter 4. Myth and Observation: The Dual Axes of Travels with Charley by Charles Etheridge
Chapter 5. Steinbeck Laughing: Travels with Charley as American Picaresque by Carter Davis Johnson
Chapter 6. Operation Windmills: Travels with Charley and Don Quixote by William P. Childers
Part II. Travels with Charley as Jeremiad: 1960s America and Today
Chapter 7. Steinbeck and the “Longue Durée” of Deep Time in Travels with Charley by Barbara A. Heavilin
Chapter 8. Of Hurricanes and Hope: Travels with Charley and the Crises of Our Times by Kathleen Hicks
Chapter 9. Travels with John Steinbeck in Search of “True Things” by Brian Railsback
Chapter 10. Travels with Charley as a Space for Cross-Cultural Relationality by Danica Čerče
Part III. Contemplating America: Travels with Charley as Road Text
Chapter 11. John Steinbeck and R. K. Narayan in Search of America by Nicholas P. Taylor
Chapter 12. Inspiring Travels with Charley: John Steinbeck and the Millennial Multitiered Quest by Cecilia Donohue
Chapter 13. “Takin’ on Texas” in Travels with Charley by Mimi R. Gladstein
Chapter 14. Texas Tales and Beyond: A Niece Recalls: Donald V. Coers: interview with Sally Kleberg, Susan Shillinglaw, editor
Works Cited