Introduction: “Alphabet Soup” and American Archaeology - Bernard K. Means
Part I. Middle Atlantic States
1. The First Stimulus Package: The WPA and the New Jersey Indian Site Survey - Gregory D. Lattanzi
2. Historical Archaeology’s “New Deal” in Pennsylvania - Janet R. Johnson
3. Archaeologist #.00000000000000000: Edgar E. Augustine and New Deal Excavations in Somerset County, Pennsylvania - Bernard K. Means
Part II. Midwestern States
4. The Great Depression Begets a Great Expansion: Field Museum Anthropology, 1929–1941 - Stephen E. Nash
5. Project 1047: New Deal Archaeology in Iowa - John F. Doershuk and John L. Cordell
6. The Last of WPA Archaeology in Oklahoma: The Clement and McDonald Sites - Amanda L. Regnier, Patrick C. Livingood, and Scott W. Hammerstedt
Part III. Southeastern States
7. Trouble in the Glen: The Battle over Kentucky Lake Archaeology - David H. Dye
8. WPA Archaeology at the Slayden Site, Humphreys County, Tennessee - Anna R. Lunn
9. Culture, Time, and Practice: The Shifting Interpretive Potential of New Deal–Era Collections - Sissel Schroeder
10. New Deal Archaeology in West-Central Kentucky: Excavations at Annis Village - Scott W. Hammerstedt
11. Preston Holder’s WPA Excavations in Glynn and Chatham Counties, Georgia, 1936–1938 - Kevin Kiernan
12. The Resettlement Administration and the Historical Archaeology of the Georgia Piedmont - James R. Wettstaed
Conclusion: Shovels at the Ready: Work Relief and American Archaeology—Today and Tomorrow - Bernard K. Means