List of Figures
Preface / Judy Blankenship
Introduction / Erik Ching
Part I. A Nice Girl like Me
1. My Family and Other Contradictions
2. Wanderings of a Salvadoran Black Sheep
3. Jamaica
Part II. A Nice Country like El Salvador
4. Getting Involved
5. International Work
6. Repression Grows
7. Civil War
8. Double Life
9. Making a Movie
10. Domestic Notes from the Underground
11. The Not-So-Final Offensive
12. Woman in a Man’s World
13. Disappeared: “Nobody Knows, Nobody Cares”
14. “I’ve Brought You My Dog Princess”
Part III. A Nice Prison like Ilopango
15. First Day in Prison
16. Organizing Inside
17. Relations with the Outside
18. The Struggle Inside
19. The Commons and the Authorities
20. Keeping Busy
21. Discipline
22. A Strike, a Murder, and a Suicide
23. Freedom
Epilogue / Judy Blankenship and Andrew Wilson