Author’s Note
1. A Five-Year-Old Girl Having a Heart Attack
2. The All-You-Can-Eat Breakfast at the Opryland Hotel
3. Lunchtime Stimulation
4. For Me to Live, Someone Has to Die
5. The Widow-Maker
6. Going Fishing
7. Casablanca
8. My College Boyfriend Had Ulcerative Colitis
9. Palpitations after Pregnancy
10. Fireflies, Gene Therapy, and Medicated Stents
11. Jack Sprat
12. The Crimson Tider
13. The Fog of War
14. Rachel Jackson and an Octopus Trap
15. Marathon Training
16. Don’t Mind Him, He’s an Engineer
17. My Heart Is Failing
18. Jack Daniel’s
19. On TV They Say That Is a Bad Drug
20. I Hope You Are All Good Republicans
21. What Will It Be, Death or Mumva?
22. Joe Lieberman
23. Would Narcissus Wear an Apple Watch?
24. My Favorite Cation
25. The Troponin Is Abnormal
26. A Strong and Steady Pulse
Coda: A Life Lesson
Epilogue: The Coronavirus Pandemic
Disclosure Statement
Glossary and Acronyms
Further Reading