List of Illustrations
Introduction -- Elizabeth Reitz Mullenix
Civil War Memories on the Nineteenth-Century Amateur Stage: Preserving the Union (and Its White Manly Parts) -- Bethany D. Holmstrom
Corporeal Disasters of War: Legibilities of “Spain” and the Jewish Body in Helen Tamiris’s "Adelante"! -- Lisa Jackson-Schebetta
A Doughgirl with the Doughboys: Elsie Janis, “The Regular Girl,” and the Performance of Gender in World War I Entertainment -- Deanna Toten Beard
Staging Hibernia: Female Allegories of Ireland in "Cathleen Ní Houlihan and Dawn" -- Tanya Dean
Germanification, Cultural Mission, Holocaust: Theatre in Łódź during World War II -- Anselm Heinrich
Resistance to War: Carl Zuckmayer’s "Des Teufels General" -- Gene A. Plunka
“Imposing the Standards of Boston on Japan”: "Kasutori" Performance, Censorship, and the Occupation -- David Jortner
Locating Fascism by Dislocating War: Stage For Action’s "Skin Deep" -- Chrystyna M. Dail
Binding and Unbinding Insurrection in Madagascar: Jean Luc Raharimanana’s "47" -- Haddy Kreie
Beyond Political Propaganda: Performing Anticommunist Nostalgia in 1950s’ Taiwan -- Li-Wen (Joy) Wang
Marilyn Monroe: Soldier in Greasepaint -- Kristi Good
Birnam Wood: Scotland, Nationalism, and Theatres of War -- Ariel Watson
John W. Frick, "'Uncle Tom’s Cabin' on the American Stage and Screen" -- Rosemarie K. Bank
Amy E. Hughes, "Spectacles of Reform: Theatre and Activism in Nineteenth-Century America" -- Amanda Boyle
Verna Foster, ed., "Dramatic Revisions of Myths, Fairy Tales and Legends: Essays on Recent Plays" -- Peter A. Campbell
Bruce McConachie, "Theatre & Mind" -- Shawna Mefferd Carroll
Milly S. Barranger, "Audrey Wood and the Playwrights" -- Miriam M. Chirico
Karl M. Kippola, "Acts of Manhood: The Performance of Masculinity on the American Stage, 1828–1865" -- Francisco Costa
Lynne Kendrick and David Roesner, eds., "Theatre Noise: The Sound of Performance" -- Daniel C. Dennis
Tom Rutter, "The Cambridge Introduction to Christopher Marlowe" -- Rodney Donahue
Christin Essin, "Stage Designers in Early Twentieth-Century America: Artists, Activists, Cultural Critics" -- Anne Fletcher
Claire Warden, "British Avant-Garde Theatre" -- Sara Freeman
Wendy Arons and Theresa J. May, eds., "Readings in Performance and Ecology" -- Jennifer Goodlander
Jim Linnell, "Walking on Fire: The Shaping Force of Emotion in Writing Drama" -- Jeanmarie Higgins
Soyica Diggs Colbert, "The African American Theatrical Body: Reception, Performance, and the Stage" -- Keith Byron Kirk
Andrew L. Erdman, "Queen of Vaudeville: The Story of Eva Tanguay" -- Franklin J. Lasik
Robert W. Goldsby, "Molière on Stage: What’s So Funny?" -- Felicia Hardison Londre
Simon Shepherd, "Direction" -- Lewis Magruder
Carol Martin, ed., Dramaturgy of the Real on the World Stage -- William Palmer
Eyad Houssami, ed., "Doomed by Hope: Essays on Arab Theatre" -- George Potter
Jonathan Hart, "Shakespeare and His Contemporaries" -- Jane Purse-Wiedenhoeft
Michael Y. Bennett, "Words, Space, and the Audience: The Theatrical Tension between Empiricism and Rationalism" -- Adam Sheaffer
Sara Warner, "Acts of Gaiety: LGBT Performance and the Politics of Pleasure" -- Alan Sikes
Books Received