This biography of a pioneering Zionist and leader of American Reform Judaism adds significantly to our understanding of American and southern Jewish history.
Max Heller was a man of both passionate conviction and inner contradiction. He sought to be at the center of current affairs, not as a spokesperson of centrist opinion, but as an agitator or mediator, constantly struggling to find an acceptable path as he confronted the major issues of the day--racism and Jewish emancipation in eastern Europe, nationalism and nativism, immigration and assimilation. Heller's life experience provides a distinct vantage point from which to view the complexity of race relations in New Orleans and the South and the confluence of cultures that molded his development as a leader. A Bohemian immigrant and one of the first U.S.-trained rabbis, Max Heller served for 40 years as spiritual leader of a Reform Jewish congregation in New Orleans--at that time the largest city in the South. Far more than a congregational rabbi, Heller assumed an activist role in local affairs, Reform Judaism, and the Zionist movement, maintaining positions often unpopular with his neighbors, congregants, and colleagues. His deep concern for social justice led him to question two basic assumptions that characterized his larger social milieu--segregation and Jewish assimilation.
Heller, a consummate Progressive with clear vision and ideas substantially ahead of their time, led his congregation, his community, Reform Jewish colleagues, and Zionist sympathizers in a difficult era.
ILLUSTRATIONSPREFACEFrom Jewish Prague to Chicago, 1860–1879Acquiring the Tools of Americanization, 1879–1884Initiating a Rabbinical Career: From Cincinnati to New Orleans, 1884–1887Southernization, Self-Righteousness, Nativism, and Social Reform: New Orleans, 1887–1891Dimensions of Leadership: Reformer, Traditionalist, Activist, and Dissenter, 1891–1897“How Shall We Stand Unswayed in the Storm?” Confronting the Rising Currents of RacialismZionism as “Our Salvation”Mandate for “Moral Courage: American Ideals in the Light of Judaism”“The Zenith of My Career”The Legacy of a Righteous LifeAPPENDIXNOTESSELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHYINDEX
Bobbie Malone is Director of the Office of School Services at the State Historical Society of Wisconsin.