List of Illustrations
Introduction: Anthropology and the Politics of Representation / Gabriela Vargas-Cetina
I. Identity Strategies
1. Double Trouble: Implications of Historicizing Identity Discourses / Les W. Field
2. Strategic Essentialism, Scholarly Inflation, and Political Litmus Tests: The Moral Economy of Hyping the Contemporary Mayas / David Stoll
3. Yucatecan Food and the Postcolonial Politics of Representation / Steffan Igor Ayora-Diaz
4. Subverting Stereotypes: The Visual Politics of Representing Indigenous Modernity / Beth A. Conklin
5. Labels, Genuine and Spurious: Anthropology and the Politics of Otherness in the United States / Vilma Santiago-Irizarry
II. Decentering the Ethnographic Self
6. “Gone Anthropologist”: Epistemic Slippage, Native Anthropology, and the Dilemmas of Representation / Bernard C. Perley
7. Matthew the Canadian Journalist: Engagement and Representation in Highland Guatemala / Timothy J. Smith
8. Performing Music, Silence, Noise, and Anthropology in Yucatan, Mexico / Gabriela Vargas-Cetina
9. Ethnography and the Cultural Politics of Environmentalism / Tracey Heatherington
10. Notes on the Use and Abuse of Cultural Knowledge / Frederic W. Gleach
III. Anthropology in Crucial Places
11. Rooted or Extinct? Post-Soviet Anthropology and the Construction of Indigenousness / Sergey Sokolovskiy
12. Anthropology on Trial: Australian Anthropology and Native Title Litigation / Katie Glaskin
13. The Politics of Europeanization, Representation, and Anthropology in Northern Ireland / Thomas M. Wilson
Epilogue: Identities and the Politics of Representation / June C. Nash
List of Contributors