Foreword - Wayne Flynt
Preface - Grant Wacker
Part I
1. David Edwin Harrell Jr.: American Religious Historian - Samuel S. Hill
2. Elijah’s Never-Failing Cruse of Oil: David Harrell and the Historiography of America’s Pentecostals - James R. Goff Jr.
3. David Edwin Harrell Jr. and the History of the Stone-Campbell Tradition - Richard T. Hughes
4. David Edwin Harrell Jr. and the Broadening of Southern Religious Studies - Charles Reagan Wilson
Part II
5. The Midas Touch: Kenneth E. Hagin and the Prosperity Gospel - Scott Billingsley
6. Rock Fights, Quarantines, and Confessionals: B. C.Goodpasture, the Gospel Advocate, and Keeping Order in Churches of Christ - John C. Hardin
7. Northern Millenarian Fundamentalism in the South, 1900–1950 - B. Dwain Waldrep
Conclusion: The Very Civil Convictions of Ed Harrell - Beth Barton Schweiger