List of Illustrations
Introduction: Rhetoric/Memory/Place / Carole Blair, Greg Dickinson, and Brian L. Ott
I. Rhetoric
1. Radioactive History: Rhetoric, Memory, and Place in the Post–Cold War Nuclear Museum / Bryan C. Taylor
2. Sparring with Public Memory: The Rhetorical Embodiment of Race, Power, and Conflict in the Monument to Joe Louis / Victoria J. Gallagher and Margaret R. LaWare
3. Rhetorical Experience and the National Jazz Museum in Harlem / Gregory Clark
II. Memory
4. Bad Dreams about the Good War: Bataan / John Bodnar
5. You Were on Indian Land: Alcatraz Island as Recalcitrant Memory Space / Cynthia Duquette Smith and Teresa Bergman
III. Place
6. Tracing Mary Queen of Scots / Michael S. Bowman
7. Memory’s Execution: (Dis)placing the Dissident Body / Bernard J. Armada
8. The Master Naturalist Imagined: Directed Movement and Simulations at the Draper Museum of Natural History / Eric Aoki, Greg Dickinson, and Brian L. Ott
Selected Bibliography