List of Illustrations
An Uncommon Woman: An Interview with Wendy Wasserstein
Thresholds of Pain in Performance: Tormentingt he Actor and Audience
Designing American Modernity: David Belasco’s The Governor’s Lady and Robert Edmond Jones’s The Man Who Married a Dumb Wife
A Historiography of Informed Imagination: A (Hi)Story Drawn fromthe Correspondence of Annie Russell and Faith Baldwin
The Miseries of History: Shakespearian Extremity as Cautionary Tale on the Restoration Stage
The Final Straw: Producing James Purdy at the Trinity Square Rep
Disappearing Frontiers and the National Stage: Placing the Portland Federal Theatre Project
“Can’t Someone Find Him a Stimulant?” The Treatment of Prohibitionon the American Stage, 1920–1933
The Tricks of Lun: Mimesis and Mimicry in John Rich’s Performance and Conception of Pantomimes
Sensational with the Greeks and Daring with Shakespeare but Not So Sure about Shaw: Performance of George Bernard Shaw at Terence Gray’s Festival Theatre, Cambridge, England, 1926–1935
Robert A. Schanke, ed., Angels in the American Theater: Patrons, Patronage, and Philanthropy
Barbara Ozieblo and Jerry Dickey, Susan Glaspell and Sophie Treadwell
David Krasner, ed., Theatre in Theory, 1900–2000: An Anthology
Hazel Waters, Racism on the Victorian Stage: Representations of Slavery and the Black Character
Romeo Castellucci, Joe Kelleher, Nicholas Ridout, Claudia Castellucci, and Chiara Guidi, The Theatre of Socìetas Raffaello Sanzio
Tice L. Miller, Entertaining the Nation: American Drama in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries
Paige Reynolds, Modernism, Drama, and the Audience for Irish Spectacle
Rhonda Garelick, Electric Salome: Loie Fuller’s Performance of Modernism
Paul Fortunato, Modernist Aesthetics and Consumer Culture in the Writings of Oscar Wilde
Zander Brietzke, American Drama in the Age of Film
William W. Demastes and Iris Smith Fischer, eds., Interrogating America through Theatre and Performance
John Patrick Diggins, Eugene O’Neill’s America: Desire under Democracy
Harriet Hyman Alonso, Robert E. Sherwood: The Playwright in Peace and War
Jason Shaffer, Performing Patriotism: National Identity inthe Colonial and Revolutionary American Theatre
Benjamin Harshav; Benjamin Harshav and Barbara Harshav, trans.,The Moscow Yiddish Theater: Art on Stage in the Time of Revolution
Laurence Senelick, Historical Dictionary of Russian Theater
Esther Kim Lee, A History of Asian American Theatre
Judith Curtis, “Divine Thalie”: The Career of Jeanne Quinault
Philip C. Kolin, ed., Contemporary African American Women Playwrights
Books Received