List of Illustrations
Introduction: Foodways Archaeology in the Southeast
Tanya M. Peres and Aaron Deter-Wolf
1. Social Subsistence: Integrating Analyses of Ceramic, Plant, and Animal Remains from Feltus
Megan C. Kassabaum
2. Splitting the Bones: Marrow Extraction and Mississippian Period Foodways
Tanya M. Peres
3. Turkey Foodways: The Intersection of Cultural, Social, and Economic Practices in the
Mississippian Period Southeast
Kelly L. Ledford and Tanya M. Peres
4. The Prehistory and History of Black Drink
Thomas E. Emerson
5. Archaeology of the Whiskey Foodway in Kentucky
Nicolas Laracuente
6. Prehistoric Foodways from the Dust Cave Site
Stephen B. Carmody, Kandace D. Hollenbach, and Elic M. Weitzel
7. Cooking Connects Them: Earth Ovens as Persistent Places during the Woodland Period
Lauren A. Walls and Scot Keith
8. Culinary and Social Requirements of Middle and Late Woodland Swift Creek Pottery
Neill J. Wallis and Thomas J. Pluckhahn
9. Detangling Histories of Hominy: A Historical Anthropological Approach
Rachel V. Briggs
Works Cited