List of Illustrations
Part I. The Early Years
1. My Family and Ancestry
2. My Early Life in Minnesota
3. My Love Affair with a Plane
4. Bubba’s Experience in the Military
Part II. The War Years
5. I Just Wanted to Fly
6. Flight Training: In the Air at Last
7. The Transition to War
8. The Trip Overseas and Commander B. O. Davis
9. The Air Forces, the P-51, and Ramitelli Air Field
10. Combat
11. December 1944
12. January to February 1945
13. March 1945
14. Nuremberg
15. The March to Moosburg
16. Liberation
17. Going Home
Part III. The Postwar Years
18. To Stay or Not to Stay
19. The Future Unfolds
20. The Korean War
21. Strategic Air Command
22. Crises in America and My Decision to Leave the Military
23. A New Career in Higher Education
24. Fame
25. Giving Back
26. Breaking Par
27. The Fourth Quarter