List of Illustrations
1. Transforming the Dead - Shirley J. Schermer, Eve A. Hargrave, Kristin M. Hedman, and Robin M. Lillie
I. Woodland Period
2. A Taphonomic Analysis of Hopewellian Modified Trophy Jaws - Stephen P. Nawrocki and Paul D. Emanovsky
3. Objectifying Middle Woodland Mortuary Practices through the Inclusion of Modified Human Jaws: A Central Illinois River Valley Case Study - Dawn E. Cobb
4. More than Skulls and Mandibles: Culturally Modified Human Remains from Woodland Contexts in Ohio - Cheryl A. Johnston
5. Arrangement of Human Remains and Artifacts in Scioto Hopewell Burials: Dramatic Rituals or Ritual Dramas? - Christopher Carr and Anna Novotny
6. Phallic Batons Made of Bone in the Collections of the Ohio Historical Society - Anne B. Lee and Cheryl A. Johnston
7. Excised and Drilled Human Bone from Eastern Iowa Woodland Sites - Shirley J. Schermer and Robin M. Lillie
II. Mississippian Period
8. Life after Death: A Brief History of Human Bone Tools in Submound 51 at Cahokia - Eve A. Hargrave and Della Collins Cook
9. Opportunity Knocks: Nonritual Use of Human Bone at the Aztalan Site, Jefferson County, Wisconsin - Katie J. Zejdlik
10. Vessel, Ornament, Mask, or Rattle?: Reconstructing a Mississippian Worked Bone Object from the Angel Site - Della Collins Cook and Cheryl Ann Munson
11. Modification of Human Bone from Mississippian Caborn-Welborn Phase Sites in Southwestern Indiana and West-Central Kentucky - Cheryl Ann Munson, Della Collins Cook, and Mary Lucas Powell
III. Late Prehistoric Period
12. Human Bone as Ritual Object?: Modified Human Bone from the Hoxie Farm and Anker Sites, Cook County, Illinois - Kristin M. Hedman
13. Grooved Teeth from Red Wing Locality Sites and the Loss or Gain of Identity - Kathleen T. Blue
14. Design Motifs and Other Modifications of Human Bone from Iowa Late Prehistoric Oneota Sites - Robin M. Lillie and Shirley J. Schermer
IV. Perspecctives
15. The Meaning of Scalping in Native North America - Linea Sundstrom
16. Contextualizing the Precolumbian Postmortem “Life” of Modified Human Remains - Maria Ostendorf Smith