Introduction: Setting the Stage for Desegregation
Part One: The Mobs
1. The Cross and the Cadillac: January 26–February 3, 1956
2. “Mule Sense” and the Mobs: February 3–5, 1956
3. Monday’s Misfortunes: February 6, 1956
4. The President’s Problem: February 6, 1956
5. A War of Words: February 7–March 1956
Part Two: The Stand
6. Prepping for Peace: Fall 1962–Spring 1963
7. The Law of the Land: June 5–11, 1963
8. Boone versus Bull: June 6–10, 1963
9. Guns and a Governor: June 8–9, 1963
10. The Calm before the Stand: June 10, 1963
11. A Stand for Segregation: June 11, 1963
12. New Students, New Strategy: June 11–July 1963
13. Old Wounds Healed: October 10, 1996, and September 16, 1998
Part Three: The Movement
14. The Rise of Reverend Rogers: 1954–64
15. The Clash at the Courthouse: January–April 23, 1964
16. The Myth of Marable: May–June 8, 1964
17. Bloody Tuesday: June 9, 1964
18. Jamming the Jails: June 10–13, 1964
19. The Defenders: Dates Unknown
20. Testing Tuscaloosa: June 30–July 7, 1964
21. Movie Mayhem: July 8–10, 1964
22. Boycotting Buses: August 1–September 12, 1964
23. Remembering Reverend Rogers: March 25–29, 1971
24. The End of an Era: 1964–71
Epilogue: A New Beginning: June 11, 2011