List of Illustrations
1. The Black Napoléon: Louverture and the 1801 Constitution
2. The White Toussaint: Bonaparte's Decision to Invade Saint-Domingue
3. Eve of a Battle: Planning the Leclerc Expedition
4. King of the Tropics: The Atlantic Crossing and the Moyse Uprising
5. Parley: The French Landing
6. Supply and Demand: Leclerc's Diplomacy with the United States, Cuba, and Jamaica
7. Ash and Iron: The Spring Campaign
8. Lull: Love, Loot, Labor, and Louverture's Exile
9. Mal de Siam: The Yellow Fever Epidemic
10. Faux Pas: The Maroon Uprising
11. Revolt: The Defection of the Colonial Army
12. Reprieve: Rochambeau and the French Counteroffensive
13. Unity Is Strength: Dessalines and the Unification of the Rebel Army
14. Echoes of Saint-Domingue: Louverture's Captivity and the Louisiana Purchase
15. New Enemy, New Partner: The British Navy at War 00
16. Sodom and Gomorrah: Life in Besieged French Towns
17. Resolution: The Rebel Victory
18. Liberty and Death: Haitian Independence
19. The Long Way Home: French Refugees and the Fall of Santo Domingo
Glossary of French and Kreyol Terms
Bibliographic Essay