Preface 000
Introduction: Henry Hotze, Confederate Propagandist 000
Part One: "A Consciousness of Doing Something Fine"
Three Months in the Confederate Army 000
The cadet Letters to the Mobile Register 000
Part Two: "What Prevents the Recognition of the Confederate States?"
An Apology to the Tribune 000
Henry Hotze's Commission 000
The "Washington's Birthday" Leader 000
"The Question of Recognition of the Confederate States" 000
The Index on Recognition 000
The Ebb and Flow of Recognition: Diplomatic and Personal Correspondence
A Primer on Southern Society 000
The Genius of the Editor 000
A Plan to Take the Index to America 000
Part Three: "The Natural History of Man"
Excerpt from "Analytical Introduction and Copious Historical Notes"
"The Position and Treatment of Women among the Various Races of Men as
Proof of Their Moral and Intellectual Diversity" 000
The Register Reviews Moral and Intellectual Diversity of Races 000
Letters to Gobineau 000
The Index on Racialism 000
Appendix: Original Descriptive Roll of the Mobile Cadets, Co. A, Third
Alabama Regiment Infantry 000
Notes 000
Index 000