List of Illustrations
List of Tables
Preface and Acknowledgments
PART I: W. C. McKern and the Midwestern Taxonomic Method
1. Introduction
2. Taxonomic Classi¤cation and Biological Taxonomy
3. Developing the Midwestern Taxonomic Method, 1930–1935
4. Subsequent Developments, 1935–1940
5. Applications, Comments, and Later Proposals
6. The Midwestern Taxonomic Method in Light of Biological Systematics
PART I I: Historical Documents
7. Culture Type Classification for Midwestern North American Archaeology
8. A Suggested Classification of Cultures
9. Local Types and the Regional Distribution of Pottery- Bearing Cultures
10. The Problem of Culture Classification
11. Certain Culture Classification Problems in Middle Western Archaeology
12. Some Assumptions and Implications of the McKern Classification System
13. Review of Rediscovering Illinois: Archaeological Explorations in and around Fulton County
14. The McKern and Related Systems of Classification
15. The Midwestern Taxonomic Method as an Aid to Archaeological Culture Study
16. Application of the Midwestern Taxonomic Method
17. Taxonomy and the Direct Historical Approach
18. Regarding Midwestern Archaeological Taxonomy
19. An Inaccurate Description of Midwestern Taxonomy
References Cited